Sound Meter - Decibel for PC

Sound Meter - Decibel for PC

Premium Sound Meter Measuring Noise in Decibel(dB)

Sound Meter - Decibel PC Details

Sound Meter - Decibel PC screenshot

Sound Meter - Decibel: Measure and Monitor Sound Levels

Are you tired of dealing with loud environments that are causing harm to your ears? Look no further than Sound Meter - Decibel, the ultimate app for measuring and monitoring sound levels. Whether you're at a noisy event, a bustling restaurant, or a crowded bar, this app will give you the information you need to protect your hearing and enjoy your surroundings.

A User-Friendly Interface

One of the standout features of Sound Meter - Decibel is its uncluttered and easy-to-navigate interface. The information is displayed clearly, allowing you to quickly and effortlessly understand the sound levels around you. Say goodbye to confusing and cluttered screens - this app keeps it simple and straightforward.

Precision and Accuracy

When it comes to measuring sound levels, accuracy is key. Sound Meter - Decibel allows you to zero the meter, adjusting it for constant ambient sound or lack thereof. This feature is similar to setting a weight scale to zero when there's nothing on it. With this level of precision, you can accurately measure the decibels produced by equipment or the quality of sound insulation.

Minimal Intrusive Ads

Many free apps are plagued with intrusive ads that disrupt the user experience. However, Sound Meter - Decibel takes a different approach. The app features small notification bars at the top of the screen, ensuring that your focus remains on measuring sound levels. No more paralyzing full-screen ads that are difficult to close - this app puts your needs first.

Multiple Applications

Sound Meter - Decibel is not limited to a specific setting. It is perfect for quantifying background noise in various environments, such as "quiet" restaurants, concerts, or airport/transportation hubs. Additionally, it can be used to document the reference level of alarms and general noise in places like hospitals. The versatility of this app makes it a valuable tool in many situations.

Enhance Your Everyday Life

Not only is Sound Meter - Decibel useful in professional settings, but it also has practical applications in your everyday life. Use it to measure the sound levels of common household items like the TV or washing machine. Discover the difference between the sound of a pen and a pencil scrape, or compare the eating sounds of your small and big dogs. This app allows you to explore and understand the sounds around you like never before.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Sound Meter - Decibel accurate?

While we cannot vouch for the app's accuracy without calibration equipment, it provides relative noise levels that are sufficient for non-professionals.

2. How can I store sound level checks?

To save your sound level checks, simply take a screenshot of the app's display. It's a quick and easy way to keep a record of your measurements.

3. Are the ads intrusive?

No, the ads in Sound Meter - Decibel are unobtrusive and do not disrupt your user experience. As a free app, it's a small trade-off for the valuable features it provides.

4. Can I use this app for party monitoring?

Absolutely! Sound Meter - Decibel is perfect for measuring the sound levels at parties and ensuring they don't become too loud and potentially harmful to your ears.

5. How can this app benefit speech therapy sessions?

Sound Meter - Decibel can make speech therapy sessions more productive by allowing you to monitor and adjust the sound levels. It also enables you to track your progress during independent study sessions.

Don't let excessive noise damage your hearing. Download Sound Meter - Decibel today and take control of the sound levels around you. It's time to protect your ears and enjoy every moment without worry.

How to Install Sound Meter - Decibel on PC

Below instructions allows you to download and install Sound Meter - Decibel app on Windows or MAC computer using an Android emulator. The process involves:

Download APK:

Downloading the Sound Meter - Decibel APK file by choosing a version.

Install Android Emulator:

There are a number of Android emulators the internet. Choose a emulator that works better with your PC. Now, download and install the Android emulator software.

Run the Emulator:

Open the emulator you have just installed and configure the settings such as display, keywords, mouse etc.

Install Gene:

Open the downloaded Sound Meter - Decibel APK file using the emulator, which will install Sound Meter - Decibel on Windows or MAC.